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The November/December issue of The Wildlife Professional

Still Alive: On its 50th anniversary, the Endangered Species Act may be more relevant—and controversial—than ever

Read Now November 16, 2023
November 22, 2023

JWM: Wild turkeys may face a tougher future in a warmer world

Climate change may create more difficulties for struggling populations

November 21, 2023

Mexican wolf wanders far beyond introduction area

U.S. wildlife managers are tracking it but have no immediate plan for capture

November 20, 2023

Earth experiences hottest year on record

Report finds 90% of the world experienced at least 10 days of temperatures “strongly affected by climate change”

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797 Results for
Whale bone
February 3, 2015

Fin Whales and Other Baleens Hear Sounds with Their Bones

Fin whales and other baleen species may not hear each other’s calls through their ears — they may feel it in their bones, according to a new study. “Bone conduction...

Sea turtles
February 2, 2015

Warming Seas Could Stop Turtles From Hitting the Beach

As sea temperatures rise, life may no longer be a beach for green sea turtles who bask in Hawaiian sands, according to new research. “Sea turtle basking is not common...

Bearded vulture
January 29, 2015

Tracking the Bearded Vulture by Satellite

Researchers using satellite technology to track massive vultures through the Pyrenees Mountains in Spain have shown that the endangered birds need a good overlap of predictable feeding sources and home...

Urban coyotes
January 29, 2015

TWS Researchers Track Metropolitan Coyote Habits

Like many young people, she had to find ways to adapt to modern times. She grew up around the Schaumburg, Ill. suburb near the Chicago O’Hare International Airport in the...

January 26, 2015

Yellowhammers: Hero to Invasive Villain in 15 Years

Introducing foreign species into new regions has long been fraught with problems but researchers have found a way to track some of the long-term consequences of the establishment of a...