Search Results for: wild cam

November 17, 2023

Wild Cam: Coyote scavenging affects small carnivore behavior

Bobcats may act leery when coyotes have recently visited a gut pile

November 14, 2023

Wild Cam: Targeting invasive caiman hatchlings helps with their population removal

Wildlife managers remove invasive reptiles from Everglades during 10-year project

August 15, 2023

Wild Cam: Female jaguars avoid trails—probably to save cubs from males

Cameras along game trails may not give an accurate view of the species

August 7, 2023

Wild Cam: In the face of megafire, some animals prove resilient

Remote cameras capture a before-and-after glimpse of the Mendocino Complex Fire

August 1, 2023

Wild Cam: Alligator snapping turtles doing well in Texas

A JWM study finds hopeful news for the threatened reptile population

May 5, 2023

Wild Cam: Collar tracking more accurate than trail cameras

Researchers were searching for an efficient way to track the population of Mexican wolves

April 26, 2023

Wild Cam: When pumas are gone, nothing quite takes their place

Coyotes thrive at Fort Hood, but they don’t fill the role of apex predator

March 3, 2023

Wild Cam: When humans are away, Glacier wildlife strays

The COVID-19 shutdown provided a natural experiment to understand wildlife behavior in Glacier National Park

February 27, 2023

Wild Cam: Where do sloth bears den?

Female sloth bears may sometimes take risks to gain access to better resources

February 8, 2023

Wild Cam: How does injury affect moose movement patterns?

Researchers captured videos of injured moose using game trails in northern British Columbia