TWS News

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The November/December issue of The Wildlife Professional

Still Alive: On its 50th anniversary, the Endangered Species Act may be more relevant—and controversial—than ever

Read Now November 16, 2023
November 22, 2023

JWM: Wild turkeys may face a tougher future in a warmer world

Climate change may create more difficulties for struggling populations

November 21, 2023

Mexican wolf wanders far beyond introduction area

U.S. wildlife managers are tracking it but have no immediate plan for capture

November 20, 2023

Earth experiences hottest year on record

Report finds 90% of the world experienced at least 10 days of temperatures “strongly affected by climate change”

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February 4, 2015

Cat Disease Detected in Minks and Muskrats

Don’t let the nickname “cat disease” fool you. A recent study in Champaign, Ill. shows toxoplasmosis, a disease spread by cats, is prevalent in semiaquatic mammals, minks (Neovison vison) and...