Molly Paris_Landscape_SmallWaterfallBurgessFallsSP

©Molly Paris

Grants and Scholarships

Habitat Restoration and Conservation Working Group – The Wildlife Society 2023 Annual Conference Scholarship Announcement

The Habitat Restoration and Conservation Working Group (HRCWG) will award up to 4 scholarships to aid new professionals, graduate students, and/or presenters focusing on the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration or Ecological Restoration broadly, attending the 2023 TWS Annual conference. Scholarship value will be $350.00.

Submit applications no later than September 15, 2023.

Membership in The Wildlife Society is required, however, membership in the Habitat Restoration and Conservation Working Group is simply encouraged. Applications will be evaluated based on:

  • Contribution of applicant to the field of Habitat Restoration and Conservation
  • Membership in HRCWG and involvement in TWS
  • Poster or Presentation Abstract (content and quality of science)


Email Word or PDF application to with “HRCWG Scholarship Application” in the subject line no later than September 15, 2023. Your application must include the following:

  • Your contact information (name, phone number, email)
  • Your current or former institution(s) and degree(s) (date earned or date expected)
  • Your national TWS membership status and involvement (include any local membership, related volunteer work, or offices held)
  • If you have an accepted abstract (you do not need to be lead author)
    • Your abstract (Title, Authors, Full Abstract)
    • Presentation type (oral or poster)
    • Presentation Category
  • A brief (400 word maximum) essay on your background (professional/educational), interests, current work/research, relevant contributions (to education, science, community, TWS), future goals, and the overall relevance of your research/work to the mission of the HRCWG (
    • If you do not have an accepted abstract describe why attendance would be valuable in advancing your education/career goals.
  • Additional financial support. Briefly disclose any secured or potential sources of external funding that will aid you in attendance of the TWS annual conference.

Webinar Series

Our working group has launched a new webinar series to help connect its members. In our first webinar, presenters shared their work on using spatial subsidies to identify inequitable outcomes across migratory species’ ranges, including bats, insects and birds. A recording of the webinar is available here.

We are planning on hosting a webinar each spring, fall and winter. Stay tuned for our next session in the fall. Please feel free to share the registration form with other TWS members and colleagues.

David Edlund_Reptiles_FastandWreckless

©David Edlund

Terrel Christie_Mammals_Snack Time

©Terrel Christie

United Nations Decade on Restoration symposium

We are currently preparing a symposium for the upcoming annual TWS conference in Louisville.

Past Webinars

The Habitat Restoration and Conservation Working Group hosted a webinar through TWS’ Webinar Series on February 23, 2023 on HABITAT RESTORATION: ADDRESSING CHALLENGES IN A CHANGING WORLD – by Jon Haufler.

Become a member

Membership is available to all current TWS members. You may join our Working Group by logging in to your TWS account.